Students must be four (4) years old for K1 (PK), five (5) years old for K2 (Kindergarten), and six years old (6) for First Grade by October 31 of the current year.
A minimum of 2.50 cumulative average in the basic classes is required for new students from 2nd to 11th grade.
Evaluation by the Counselor and Academic Coordinator for K1 and K2 grades.
1st to 11th grade students must take a standardized test.
The parent should confidentially provide any information about required accommodations and/or legal matters that compromise the safety of the student.
Vision Evaluation (by an Optometrist/Ophthalmologist)
Hearing Evaluation (Evaluation of a hearing screening by a medical doctor in Audiology.)
Official school sealed transcript from the previous and current school with a minimum 2.50 average in the basic classes of Spanish, English, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Studies/History.
Kindergarten Diploma (for students entering First Grade)
Standardized Test (1st to 11th grade)
Psychometric Evaluation or other when considered necessary.