The Thomas Alva Edison School Contingency and Control of Exposure to COVID-19 Plan is part of the School’s Emergency Plan. This Plan is continuously revised to include new recommendations and changes made by the official authorities as well as modifications made by our school to comply with internal and external requirements. This Plan is written in Spanish for the benefit of the majority of the school community.
We highly recommend all our school community to read carefully the Plan since it includes the requisites with which each of the students, parents, academic and non-academic employees, and visitors need to comply once we return to face-to-face instruction.
Shall any of our community members have any doubts, please feel free to contact our school officials through
En Edison la salud y seguridad de nuestra comunidad escolar es alta prioridad. Por eso, nuestra mayor herramienta contra las enfermedades es la prevención. Prevenimos educando. El lavado de manos siempre ha sido la mejor alternativa a la hora de prevenir enfermedades y evitar la propagación de infecciones. Sin embargo, desde principios de la pandemia esta medida ha cobrado una gran importancia a nivel mundial. Por esto, le compartimos un video creado con mucho esfuerzo y dedicación por nuestros estudiantes, personal docente y no docente para recordarles una vez más... ¡Lava tus manos!
Street 34, Alturas de Villa del Rey
Caguas, P.R. 00726
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